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Dengue Fever Warning

Posted: October 30, 2014

You may have read in the paper this week that the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has reported the first local case of dengue fever. Although this is the first case in Hong Kong in many years, dengue fever is endemic in many countries of South East Asia.

Dengue fever is transmitted to humans through the bite of a female mosquito carrying the dengue viruses and cannot spread directly from human to human.

Symptoms include:

– sudden onset of high fever
– severe headache
– pain behind the eyes
– muscle and joint pain
– loss of appetite
– nausea and rash

Please note that some people appear asymptomatic or display very mild non-specific febrile symptoms when positive for dengue. A severe complication, dengue haemorrhagic fever, can cause an increased tendency to bleed and in severe cases may lead to shock and death.

The public is encouraged to take the following preventive measures against DF:

• Wear loose, light-coloured, long-sleeved tops and trousers
• Use DEET-containing insect repellent on exposed parts of the body and clothing
• Use mosquito screens or nets in rooms that are not air-conditioned
• Use anti mosquito devices near entry points to living area
• Anyone feeling unwell after returning from a trip should seek medical advice as soon as possible and provide travel details to their doctor
• Avoid accumulation of stagnant water that may provide a breeding ground for mosquitos

If you have any concern that your child is displaying symptoms of dengue fever please promptly consult a physician. For more information on dengue fever please visit the CHP site.