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Year 3 shares learning about Artful Nature

Posted: April 30, 2015

On Wednesday 29 April the Y3 unit of inquiry, How We Express Ourselves culminated with the Artful Nature exhibition. Students showcased their learning of the Central Idea: An appreciation of nature can be expressed through various art forms, through a vast array of experiences. Work that was on display and presented included drama, music, architecture, photography, visual art, fashion design and dance. The students performed, demonstrated, and explained their learning to their parents and visitors throughout the morning. Some of the comments received from parents include:

“I saw my daughter so inspired to tell me about her projects, which I just loved. It revealed her passion for art.”

“I saw my daughter’s smile light up the world.”

“I thought congratulations. Bravo Year 3!’

“I thought about how important and inspiring nature is and how the attitude of gratitude opens up creative thinking.”

“I wondered if should create more art at home with the kids.”

“I wonder how much I can learn from my daughter every day.”