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House Picnic is coming soon

Posted: April 30, 2015

The House Picnic will take place on 12 May from 12.30-2.30pm. House picnic is a fun-filled event involving both Secondary and Primary students. On the day, students will meet with their respective houses to have a House Picnic together. Secondary students will then be paired up with Primary students to take them around the school to do various activities.

After the picnic, Primary students return to their homeroom class and Secondary students move to their Block 6 class. School will still finish at the normal time of 3.15pm.

If your child is joining in House Picnic this year, please fill in the lunch form that was sent home with the students a few weeks back and emailed again this week. You don’t have to return the form if your child is bringing a packed lunch.

This year, the House Captains brainstormed some new games/activities to add to the fun of House Picnic, such as Slam Poetry:

House Slam Poetry

This year, come and get your funky poet on at the House Slam Poetry event. The event will feature 15 minute rounds, during which students will have 5-6 minutes of preparation time on a 30-second slam poem of their choice. Secondary students will be expected to perform the poem while Primary students will add much needed pizzazz in the form of dance movements/mimes or anything else they can think of. There will be a limit of three competing teams per round. This event will be for house points.

Here is a step-by-step guide to writing slam poetry: actions/how-write-slam-poetry

We are very excited about getting together with our fellow house members again this year for a fun filled afternoon.

– Shreya ( Vice Captain, Yellow House ) and Rosie ( Vice Captain, Blue House )