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Flourishing Community Survey – Week 2

Posted: November 6, 2015

As highlighted in the Discovery College priority of Wellbeing for 2015-2016, we aim to foster a flourishing community to strengthen wellbeing and achievement across our school. The school has adopted the model shown here for positive education, and this model will allow us to review our current position and guide future direction.

We are inviting parents to participate in the second of three short surveys. This survey will capture feedback on Positive Communication and Positive Behaviour. To complete the survey please click on the link:

We encourage as many parents as possible to complete these surveys to provide us with valuable feedback on what we are doing well and what areas we can continue to strengthen. Each survey will take approximately 5-8 minutes.

If you did not complete the first survey last week about Positive Emotions and Positive Leadership, please do so now:

Thank you for your support – The Positive Education Lead Team