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Digital Life Survey points of interest

Posted: April 29, 2016

Continuing on from last week’s report of the insights gained from the Digital Life survey, to which 232 parents responded, the following points of note came to light.

Home use

Rules around use of technology: Only 44% of families have rules/expectations around use of technology (where in the house, how long, what etc)


Do you know what your child is looking at on their phone or computer at home?  Most parents reported that they DID NOT.

A worrying number of primary (48%) and secondary (62%) use no filtering or restrictions on their child’s devices to stop access to inappropriate content.

There are some very interesting contrasts in this area between what our parents worry about and how they keep their children safe at home.

50% of the parents that responded worry about what their children are looking at online. In contrast to this figure 73% of our secondary parents never look at their child’s browsing history and 56% of our primary parents never look at their child’s browsing history.