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Term 1 CCA lists confirmed

Posted: September 2, 2016

Term 1 CCA lists have been confirmed. Please log in to the Gateway to check your child’s enrolment. The CCAs commence next Monday 5 September. If you did not have sufficient funds in your child’s ePayment account by Monday 29 August to cover all the CCAs you signed him/her up for, he/she would have been removed from all CCAs.

Registered does NOT mean Accepted
In order to allow as many students as possible to participate in a CCA, activities are registered on a first come/first served basis. However, where activities are over-subscribed, students who are not enrolled in any other activity will be given priority over students who already have an assigned CCA. If you signed your child up for more than one CCA, preferences were NOT accounted for. It was presumed that your child is happy to do any of the CCAs. Registering for a CCA does not mean your child has been accepted (when the system shows ‘Registered’ or ‘Accepted’ beside the activity name, it did not necessarily mean your child has been enrolled).

If you have any questions please email