Attached please see the Term 2 CCA List. Term 2 CCAs commence 9 January 2017, second week after the Christmas break. Enrolment will open on Wednesday 30 November at 12.30pm and close on Monday 5 December at 10am. All enrolment is done online by parents through the Gateway; students will only be able to view the details.
ePayment and CCA reminder
You must have sufficient funds in your child’s ePayment account by the enrolment closing date to cover ALL CCAs you have signed them up for in order for them to be considered/enrolled in ANY activity, otherwise he/she will be removed from ALL CCAs. For example: if your child has been signed up for 4 CCAs that cost $200 each, you must have enough funds, i.e.$800, to cover all 4 CCAs. If not, your child will not be considered for any of the 4 activities. Information about setting up and topping up your ePayment account can be found here. Please contact if you have any questions.
Log in to Gateway and click the Activities tab beside your child’s picture.
Select Term 2 for school term, then sign up for the activity.
If you have more than one child, you can then select another child from the drop down list near the top.
If you sign your child up for a CCA, you are granting him/her permission to participate in the activity AND to have money deducted from his/her ePayment account, should your child be accepted. Once the amount has been deducted, there will be no refunds.
In order to allow as many students as possible to participate in a CCA, activities will be registered on a first come/first served basis, however, where activities are over-subscribed, students who are not enrolled in any other activity will be given priority over students who already have an assigned CCA. If you choose to sign your child up for more than one CCA, preferences will NOT be accounted for. It will be presumed that your child is happy to do any of the CCAs. Registering for a CCA does not mean you/your child has been accepted (when the system shows ‘Registered’ or ‘Accepted’ beside the activity name during he enrolment period, it does not necessarily mean your child has been enrolled).
For CCAs that are oversubscribed and have been offered in previous terms, students who were accepted in Term 1 will have a lower priority.EndFragment