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Snakes Sighted around DB

Posted: May 11, 2018

As the weather warms up one of our natural neighbours starts to make appearances.  Recently snakes have been reported in Siena Park and on the unofficial walkway between the upper part of Siena and Siena Avenue. Over the years we have had reports from the majority of DB villages from time to time. Although some people may find them scary, snakes are an important part of our natural environment and play a key role in reducing the number of rats and mice in our environment. We would encourage parents to talk to children about appropriate safe and respectful behaviour if they chance upon a snake when they are out and about in DB and Lantau.

Some points to note

  • A number of HK snakes are poisonous – they need to be treated with respect. 
  • Very few are aggressive – they are more scared of you than you are of them but they may defend themselves if threatened.
  • On open ground snakes can generally see you and you can see them. Long grass and bush land is more risky as there is a chance you can surprise each other.

If you see a snake

  • Don’t approach a snake, stand still or move back slowly and allow it to get out of your way
  • Don’t do anything to make it feel threatened – examples include getting too close or touching it with a stick
  • Let DB Management know where and when you saw it 
  • If bitten seek medical attention immediately, if possible with a photo of the snake.