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Quarter 1 Reports for Years 12-13

Posted: October 18, 2019

Quarter 1 reports for Y12-13 will be published, via the Gateway, on Friday 1 November at 9am. This report contains grades based on work that has been done so far in Semester 1. For each subject, there will be a course outline detailing work covered, and an overall achievement grade.

To access a report, log in to Gateway, click on ‘ARR’ and then click ‘ARR report’ which will present you with a report viewing tab and printing tab. If you wish to print a hard copy and/or save an electronic version of your child’s report, you can download as a PDF.

The following documents are available on our website HERE.

  • The Secondary Assessment Policy outlines our philosophy towards assessment of individual tasks and our approach to reporting on student achievement to parents.
  • The DC Secondary ARR Structure 2019-20 outlines the structure of reports throughout the year and the relevant deadlines.
  • The DP Assessment Procedures outline how overall achievement grades are worked out in each subject of the DP.

A tutorial on accessing student reports through the Gateway is available on the school website HERE.