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Primary Home Learning

Posted: March 6, 2020

Has your child attended a Google Meet recently?

Google Meets in Primary have continued to evolve and where possible would like to encourage all students to attend all Google Meets for their entirety.  

Attending Google Meets will enable your child to:

  • Access a range of instructional mini-lessons, emphasising and teaching a specific planned block for the day

  • Hear an explanation of the tasks for the day

  • Connect with teachers and ask questions

  • Participate in reflection and receive class feedback

  • Connect with students and staff in a fun way

With limited social interaction for all, we want the Google Meet experience to be a balance of academics, social connection and wellbeing. We once again encourage all students to attend as many meets as possible next week. We look forward to seeing your child there! 

How might we be ensuring progression of learning?

Each week within the Home Learning Grids there are 3-4 identified learning tasks that we ask all students to complete and submit to their teacher. If and when families are prioritising tasks for their child for the week, we would kindly ask you to prioritise the identified ones. 

Submission of work will:

  • Enable teachers to provide detailed feedback on specific tasks to support individual learning. (Your child will be able to access this feedback throughout various times during the week. We encourage parents to ask questions and celebrate the feedback with their child.)

  • Enable teachers to track progression of learning and plan for future learning. 

We look forward to seeing the great work students are completing at home!