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No Boundaries 2021

Posted: September 17, 2021

I am delighted to inform you that DC is developing a five-day, Hong Kong based No Boundaries Programme, from Monday 15 November – Friday 19 November. No Boundaries is an important part of our curriculum, providing opportunities to engage in meaningful experiential learning outside of the normal classroom context, so we feel that it was important to keep it in the learning calendar for 2021. Building on last year’s programme, we are developing a range of offsite and onsite activities for students to engage in. 

Year 7-8 Programme
The Year 7 and 8 No Boundaries programme will include a three day Hong Kong Hustle event as well as an extra two days that will give the opportunity to experience cultural and well being focussed sessions. Hong Kong Hustle, will be a three-day event  that will start and finish at Discovery College each day. Day 1 is College-based planning and preparation where the students will be given all the information and skills needed to compete. Day 2 will see teams of students with one staff member racing around their allocated zone (Hong Kong Island or Lantau Island), returning to the College to finish the day at 5pm. Day 3 sees the teams swap one island for the other and will finish at 5.30pm with a celebration at Discovery College. The two extra days will be based in and around the College,  where the students will engage in service,  cultural learning, wellbeing, and staff-led workshops. 

The objectives of these activities are to create opportunities for students to work cooperatively in teams in real and unfamiliar situations, have fun and enjoy the challenge to compete against their peers. They will be taught teamwork, communication, and navigation skills in order to compete to their best ability. This event is also a House competition. 

No Boundaries will be a learning packed, exciting and fun filled five days for Year 7 and 8 students.

Year 9-12 Programme
We are in the process of developing a modular experiential learning programme for the Year 9-12 students including:

  • adventure based outdoor activities, including hiking, kayaking, coasteering, team building. 

  • service learning and volunteering opportunities in partnership with Crossroads Foundation, Hong Kong and other local NGOs

  • day excursions to learn about local history, culture, traditions and language

  • First aid training, which includes OFQUAL certification for 3 year

  • onsite student and teacher-led workshops (eg. wellbeing and mindfulness workshops, STEM workshop, manga art masterclass)

Signing up for Year 9-12 activities
Once the programme options for Y9-12 have been finalised by October 4th, a google form will be sent to students and parents to select from the available elective modules (eg. outdoor activity choices, first aid training). We ask that students consult with parents before making their selections, as the costs may vary for each activity. 

Year 9-12 Programme costs
We are making every effort to keep the No Boundaries programme costs as low as possible whilst providing enjoyable and memorable experiential learning opportunities for students. Once the programme modules have been fully developed, we will be in touch to share the final costings for each module. To provide a reference point, the upper range for the No Boundaries full week should not exceed 2800HKD, with lower cost options available too. 

Should you have any questions about the programme, please do let hesitate to get in touch. 

Best wishes

Jonny Tate
CAS Coordinator

Chris Ryan
EOTC Coordinator