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Update from the Principal

Posted: May 31, 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I am writing to share some personal news with you. From the summer of 2025 onwards, for a variety of family reasons I will be needing to live between the UK and Hong Kong. While it will be an important change for my family as we enter the next stage of our lives, it means that we have needed to determine that next academic year will be my last at DC and ESF. I met with our CEO, Belinda Greer, recently to let her know this, and to convey my thanks to her for the incredible privilege of serving in this role. It will have been 9 years since I started at DC, and 17 years in total at ESF, and I am so very grateful for the opportunities I have had since I joined in 2008 and the remarkable time it has been in my life. Discovery College is an incredibly special place and it has been the honour of my life to be your Principal over these past few years.

With a year to go until my departure in June 2025, I will be working hard every day to help the College to prepare for leadership transition. Though I am of course sad to be leaving, the College is in a strong position with a highly capable team who will continue to support the whole community and take the College from strength to strength in the coming years. It also has the benefit of the most wonderful community of parents and caregivers, and I am so grateful to each and every one of you for your strong support as this has made such a difference to me personally. In my final year as Principal, and in the years to come as a friend of the College and of ESF, I look forward to continuing to Grow., Discover., and Dream. with you all.

Thank you, and best wishes,

James Smith
