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DC joins The Alliance for Sustainable Schools (TASS)

Posted: June 14, 2024

The Alliance for Sustainable Schools, also known as TASS, is a non-profit organisation that addresses systemic sustainability issues within schools internationally. They are a network of specialists that share their expertise to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future in educational institutions and amplify their impact through the commitment to the principles of the Sustainable Schools Charter. As agents of change, they harness collective influence through partnering with innovative organisations and schools to catalyse systems change in the following five areas that face the most challenges:

  • School buses
  • School buildings
  • School food
  • School uniforms
  • Education for sustainability

To approach these issues in a multifaceted way they have 4 fundamental bases; to connect, to engage, to demonstrate and to scale. Together these concepts allow TASS to make maximal ripples in the communities they work with. 

The Sustainable Schools Charter is a promise to operate according to a set of guiding principles related to sustainability, and committed to prioritise sustainability in all of their decisions and operations. The eight pledges of The Charter are their guideline that cover the following bases:

  • Enable students to become sustainability stewards
  • Targets to reduce emissions and waste
  • Sustainable built environment
  • Schools as living laboratories for sustainability
  • Operational efficiency and resource
  • Climate change and sustainability in the curriculum
  • School-community collaboration
  • Share best practice

Joining TASS will enable students in Discovery College to become a bigger part of a sustainable future. This partnership will ensure that DC students are innovators and agents of change. Through this collaboration, students will have opportunities to learn more about sustainability and create programme-based changes to introduce sustainability as an inherent part of education for all ages.

Watch our student-produced video here.