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Semester Two Reports for Years 7-12

Posted: June 7, 2024

Semester 2 reports for Years 7-12 will be published, via the ESF App on Monday, 24 June at 9.00am. This report contains grades based on work that has been completed during Semester 2, i.e. from Monday, 22 January 2024 to Friday, 14 June 2024. For each subject, there will be a course outline detailing work covered, subject criteria grades and an overall achievement grade. A grade will also be given for DP CAS or CP Service Learning in Years 12-13.

Instructions for accessing reports are available here.  If you wish to print a hard copy and/or save an electronic version of your child’s report, you can download it as a PDF.

The following useful documents are available on our website here.

  • The Secondary Assessment Procedures outline our approach to the assessment of individual tasks and to reporting on student achievement to parents.
  • The DC Secondary ARR Structure 2023-24 outlines the structure of reports throughout the year and the relevant deadlines.
  • The MYP Assessment Guidance Handbook contains important information on how achievement grades are determined for each subject in the MYP. 
  • For Semester reports, teachers analyse summative assessment grades based on subject-specific criteria and use ‘best-fit’ approach to award levels of achievement.
  • A “best-fit” approach means teachers consider all available evidence and use their professional judgement to determine the IB published descriptor that best describes a student’s performance and award a final MYP 1-7 grade.
  • For Semester report cards, most subjects can and should use multiple summative assessments for EACH of the four criteria, with various formative assessments helping inform “best fit”.
  • The DP Assessment Procedures outline how overall achievement grades are worked out in each subject of the DP.

Reminder on Y7-9 Arts rotation reporting: 

Reminder in relation to academic awards: 

MYP Secondary Awards 

At the end of the academic year, to recognise student achievement in different aspects of learning and education and to align with the DC outcomes and vision, students may be awarded a variety of awards including academic achievement.

Students in Years 7-11 who achieve 51 or more points out of 8 subjects (maximum 56 points) on the MYP final 1-7 grade scale will receive Academic Achievement Awards at the end of the academic year. The award recognizes their outstanding academic achievement across all eight subject groups during the academic school year.  To be eligible for an academic award, students must achieve a minimum of 51 points in both semesters. Please note that the points will not be averaged across semesters. For students admitted in January, only Semester 2 grades will be used.