We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who contributed to the CCA fee in previous years. Your support has allowed us to reinstate our CCA program following the pandemic, and work on its development to grow it to where we have offered the largest CCA program in the history of the college.
Therefore, we are thrilled to announce there will be no CCA fees for the 2024-2025 academic year. Our main focus this year is to ensure a balanced range of offerings for all year groups allowing our students to achieve the 5 DC outcomes of Being Agentic, Be Internationally minded, Flourish, Take Principled action, and Achieve Highly. We are also able to create additional sports opportunities for our Primary students for this year.
We are currently busy piecing together the final parts of our CCA programme for this year, and we are looking forward to sharing with you the new CCA Handbook, which contains a complete overview of the year’s worth of CCAs per year group as well as instructions on how and when to enrol. This will be shared in a future issue of the Explorer Newsletter, ahead of Term 1 enrolment opening.
As before, enrolment will be done on our VLE platform called Ding! for all Co-Curricular Activities, including:
- Primary Cobra Sports
- General CCAs
- Music Ensembles
- Student-led CCAs
- Secondary Cobra Sports (seasons run separate to the CCA schedule)
Please keep a note of the key dates below for the 2024-25 CCA enrollment periods: