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Academic Integrity – Building Principled Learners

Posted: September 20, 2024

In our diverse and dynamic international school environment, academic integrity stands as a cornerstone of educational excellence. It’s about fostering honesty, responsibility, and ethical behaviour in learning and assessment that will serve our students well beyond their school years.

Academic integrity encompasses a range of behaviours and practices that include:

  • Submitting original work
  • Properly citing sources
  • Collaborating appropriately
  • Being honest during exams and assignments
  • Respecting intellectual property

To make academic integrity more tangible for students, we’ve implemented an approach based on our Code of Conduct, that combines case studies, collaborative discussion, and personal reflection.

Students in Y7-Y10  were presented with various scenarios that challenge their understanding of academic integrity. They worked in groups to analyse these cases and match them to specific points in our school’s Code of Conduct. This exercise helps students recognize nuanced situations where integrity might be compromised, understand the practical application of our Code of Conduct, and develop critical thinking skills in ethical decision-making.

Parents play an important part in supporting student’s understanding of academic integrity by discussing honesty and ethics at home, encouraging independent work and supporting the school policies on academic integrity. The policy and other resources can be found on the parent portal here.

By engaging with real examples and fostering open discussions, we aim to build principled learners prepared for ethical leadership in their future careers and communities.