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Digital Citizenship Week

Posted: October 18, 2024

This week, we have been highlighting Digital Citizenship Week, and various year groups have engaged in meaningful discussions on important topics.

  • Years 6-8 focused on the pressing question of “To Ban or Not to Ban,” examining the implications of banning smartphone devices for those under 16, both in terms of sale and use. This is a very topical debate at the moment in various countries across the globe, involving discussions between parents, governments, and educators about the best approach to balance technology use and child development. We have been conducting a poll with the student body which closes on Sunday, but we would love to hear what parents think. If you would like to include your opinion please  click and complete this very short google form.

  • Years 4 explored how to keep games healthy and fun. They created their own video game covers alongside establishing the ‘social’ rules for playing their games.
  • Years 1-3 explored what it means to be a digital citizen. They reviewed our school’s digital use agreement and learned about the digital citizen characters from Common Sense Media. Students were then inspired to design their own digital citizen characters!

Instilling healthy and positive digital habits in our children is crucial. As technology continues to play a significant role in their lives, teaching them to navigate the digital world responsibly helps promote their well-being and safety. These discussions and lessons will continue throughout the course of the year.

We encourage you to continue these conversations at home. For additional resources, please visit our parent portal.

Digital Citizenship Parent Resources

GenAI Parent Resources

Discovery College Digital Responsible User Agreement

Thank you for your support in fostering responsible digital citizenship!