We have now received the results of the digital life survey and we would like to thank the 232 parents with students in Y5-13 who responded to give us an insight into the beliefs and practices of our families around the use of technology. Most affirming was that 93% of our parents believe in the importance of technology in supporting their children’s education.
Over the course of this term, we’d like to look at some of the statistics raised from the survey. Today we’ll look at CONNECTION.
Our students are VERY connected
48% of primary students have a smart phone, 80% have access to a shared tablet and 27% have their own exclusively.
In addition to their own laptop 92% of secondary students have a smart phone, over 70% have access to a shared tablet and 28% have their own exclusively.
This data tells us that our students are familiar in a digital ecosystem, the term ‘digital natives’ certainly applies to our students. Making use of technology in our curriculum therefore is at the very forefront of our curriculum design, something that we are very conscience of here at Discovery College.