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DC Students excel at AISMUN

Posted: June 28, 2024

Discovery College’s Model United Nations students recently attended the Australian International School Model United Nations conference (“AISMUN”). This annual conference was a great success once again. With the theme of “look back to look forward”, it gave students a chance to engage with, research, and debate, issues of international importance both from an historical perspective and in terms of their future impact on the world and human society. Students joined committees including the Australian Parliament, the World Health Organisation, and the UN Disarmament and International Security Committee.

Our students did tremendously well at this conference, as reflected in the awards presented. Joowon Song and Tvisha Valakati both received Honourable Mentions for their contributions to debates and discussions in their respective committees; Sophie Soong and Teresa Wang received Most Outstanding Delegate awards; and Nicole Rodrigues, Hunter Clausen, and Alexander Nolens-Liu were all awarded Best Delegate. Rysa Bahri also deserves congratulations for her role as a Committee Chair. For DC students to receive so many acknowledgements in virtually all the committees, ranging from beginner to advanced, is a wonderful testament to how hard they have all worked, and the efforts of the student leaders Yashasvini Agarwal and Defne Akkok in supporting the group across the year.

MUN will return next year and so students in Years 9 – 13 who are interested in taking part should look out for sign-up details as part of the launch of Term 1 CCAs. In the meantime, a very deserved “well done” to all who have taken part this year.