The Student Council has been working for nearly 2 years now on a project based on our school Vision called What Makes A DC Student? They gathered student voice and came up with a long list of the sorts of attributes and behaviours our students felt were important. Students also said, however, that these behaviours are not always evident, especially towards our support staff (cleaners and cafeteria staff) and in the wider community. The Student Council has since created 3 videos (Grow. Discover. Dream.), supported by posters. Each video also has a small comic strip for junior classes to colour in. In addition, classes across the school will be provided with a set of 3 stuffed animals representing the parts of our Vision Statement. Teachers will work with the students to list the attributes that go with each and students who exhibit those behaviours will be given the opportunity to look after the animal.
Over this month, the Student Council is presenting these videos, posters, comic strips and animals to every year level at the school, and inviting students to go away and consider whether their behaviours, in and outside of DC, represent what our Vision Statement calls them to do?